Contato Rápido

Two workers wearing reflective vests are kneeling on the sidewalk, engaged in maintenance work. They are surrounded by orange traffic cones and various equipment. A woman in a bright orange coat and white mask walks by, and another pedestrian in a black jacket approaches from the background.
Two workers wearing reflective vests are kneeling on the sidewalk, engaged in maintenance work. They are surrounded by orange traffic cones and various equipment. A woman in a bright orange coat and white mask walks by, and another pedestrian in a black jacket approaches from the background.

Entre em contato conosco para consultas sobre equipamentos ou manutenção.


Estamos localizados no centro da indústria de óleo e gás, prontos para atender suas necessidades com equipamentos e serviços especializados.


Rua Itaocara, 101, Loja - Jardim Mariléia - Rio das Ostras - RJ - 28890-153


Seg a Sex - 08:00 às 18:00